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What solutions use anhydride.

For the sake of improving the quality and reducing the cost of production of building materials, quite a lot of scientific research is being carried out. One of the achievements of such research is anhydrite cement. The composition of this newest discovery includes special impurities and calcium sulfate. The types of impurities are determined by their activity in solution. The main component of such cement is calcium sulfate; it is easy to manufacture by heat treatment of gypsum dihydrate at high temperatures.
When water is added to anhydrite, it turns into gypsum, it remains only to add binders — and the most reliable material is ready. Due to the fact that dehydrated gypsum is chosen for this cement, this mixture sets very quickly. In just 30 minutes, the solution thickens, and it takes 24 hours to completely solidify. An important advantage of anhydride cement is that after application it acquires a white color and therefore does not require additional processing for decoration. In addition, you can use it for the manufacture of finishing material.
Specifically, it is used as an alternative to gypsum mixtures, we note that in terms of strength, this type of cement significantly exceeds the quality indicators of other building materials due to its special impurities. It can also be used instead of conventional cement for exterior and interior masonry.
This cement has found widespread use in the finishing and construction industry due to its affordable cost and drying speed, which significantly reduces the time required to put a building into service.

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