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Penoizol without the use of banknotes

Penoizol without the use of banknotes

There are about ten ways to insulate buildings, and they are all based on the main principle of using a small thermal conductivity of air. Insulation, such as penoizol, did not become a special exception. However, this material always stands apart from all other heaters, since, unlike all others, at the time of installation it is only in liquid form.

Although it is the word “liquid” that does not fit penoizol, because it is not foam in polymerized form. This material is today quite strongly praised by many manufacturers, but there is also a share of slyness in these words. It is worth noting that if penoizol were deprived of several shortcomings, which are mostly silent, then it would be possible to call it all an ideal insulation. How PVC seals are used, this site will tell in detail.

At the same time, it must be said that penoizol has quite a few advantages, and if you weigh the pros and cons, then the scales will certainly lean towards the advantages of the material. Its initially liquid state allows for a number of measures on the issue of insulation, which are completely unattainable for all other thermal insulators.

Penoizol is used mainly as a heater in layered walls, for insulation of attic floors and roofs. It is not recommended to use it in operation of operated structures, such as, for example, a floor, since this material does not have a special strength for this. However, if the whole structure is built in such a way that the heat insulator is not subjected to mechanical compression, then penoizol can be completely used, also as a floor insulation. Another main area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication for penoizol is a thermally insulating layer for the operation of refrigeration chambers. And here, first of all, the choice fell not on him because of the main ability to fill all the voids.

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Penoizol is often compared with expanded polystyrene, since the two materials are in many ways similar. However, according to manufacturers, penoizol conducts heat much worse than polystyrene foam. It is also difficult to say how much this statement is justified, since at a density with the same polystyrene foam, there are no special prerequisites for saving heat, because in two cases we are talking about various porous materials, where air plays the main role for the heat insulator. If we compare the work of penoizol with mineral wool, then it is believed that it is twice as “warmer”. Officially, the thermal conductivity is in the range of 0.035 to 0.047 W/m, depending on the density index, which is generally between eight and twenty-eight kg/m³. As already mentioned, penoizol has a small strength, lower than for polystyrene foam. With such a mechanical impact, it constantly bursts, and with small loads, it gradually crumbles and crumbles.

Source: venoton.ru

Publication date: 20.11.2012, 16:56

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